Welcome to My Personal Website

About Me

I'm a Software Engineering student at INSAT, passionate about continuous learning and growth. My journey in technology revolves around exploring various domains and expanding my expertise. My primary focus lies in cybersecurity, where I delve into the intricacies of safeguarding digital systems and data. Recently, I've embarked on the journey of mastering data analysis and machine learning to broaden my skill set.

Currently, I'm deeply involved in developing web applications, with a specific focus on crafting APIs and backend servers. While I find joy in problem-solving and algorithmic challenges through Competitive Programming, I admit my preference leans towards backend development rather than frontend.

As a CTF (Capture The Flag) player, I immerse myself in the realms of binary exploitation and reverse engineering, finding fascination in dissecting assembly code and unraveling the logic behind applications. Alongside these technical pursuits, I possess a solid foundation in UML, system conception, databases, and other fundamental aspects of software engineering.

Furthermore, I harbor a profound interest in deployment technologies like Docker and Kubernetes, finding joy in orchestrating efficient and scalable deployment pipelines. In essence, my journey in technology is driven by an insatiable curiosity and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

Otherwise, this page is just a simple test and it's not done yet. I'm still working on it.


Portfolio Item 1

Walter White?

That's just Walter White from Breaking Bad, so called Heisenberg.


No Infos available right now.